Friday, December 02, 2005

i had a rather good day today.
rather un-planned.

suppose to meet up with amanda in school but it didn't happen.

so we met up with joanna, ziwei, sharon, yirang and angeline at marina south. they were bowling there.

i took my heartbreaker down for a spin. heh. quite exciting after a long time. the adrenaline rush, the almost crash into a car kind of feeling, and having the wind blow against you. fantastic. my heartbreaker simply took my breath away. *speechless*

cycled down from home to marina south to meet them, ran around in marina south witht hem, then cycled down from marian south to funan to get my standard chartered marathon race tag from my friend. then cycled back to lau pa sat to meet up with them for dinner.

it was like peak hour la. all the cars and buses. horrible. i won't deny that i was quite scared. haha. but then again, it was all so good.

dinner at lau pa sat was so-so la. ate quite a lot. satays, oysters, murtabak, hokkien mee, rojak and blah blah blah. maybe that was all. hurhur.

then we walked down to esplanade to sit down and gossip. what we do best. though its not a full tbc attendance, thats why not so extreme. haha.

headed home ard late 10pm, and i started to rain halfway, like RAHH. so i decided to be pampered and spoilt, since thats what my parents prefer their baby girl to be. (sense the sarcasm) i called my dad, and he picked me up.

yah, my mum was damn paranoid la. she was so afraid that something would happen to me when i'm cycling. like, hello i'm 19yr old and i can take care of myself. so she called my dad and whined to him about how dangerous and blah blah blah. so they kept calling me to check on me. *roars* really cannot take it. i'm a BIG kid.

and best thing was, my mum said i can only cycle in the park! ha ha. i don't know to laugh or to cry la. *frowns*

puh-lease, i'm no longer that small little girl la.

anyway, i'm running a full marathon on sunday. yes, A FULL MARATHON. 42KM. hurhur. i'm so gonna die and pun-cek at the 20km mark because thats the longest distance i've ever ran. but 50km is the longest distance i've ever walked. and the above 2 were accomplised when i was in odac, 2 yrs ago.
wish me luck. thank you. very much appreciated.

oh yah, amanda and i are like one set la. like come together in a package kind. haha. why, we both realised today that, we both had our 'thing' today morning, and we have one big ugly irritating pimple at the same spot and, and and the previous few times when we discovered the same thing but i can't remember now. *grins* how interesting. hurhur.

running in sch tmr morning with a few of them, then there's a db meeting at 2pm. yay, can't wait to see the girls. haha. but it has only been a week la.


qianyi needs to buck up and be good because she's skipping training.

not good.

i think i'm hungry, type till hungry already. shall go hunt for food in the kitchen.


anyway, here's my heartbreaker.

an infatuation, 01-12-05.

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