Friday, March 03, 2006

i can wish for a hundred and one things.
what is it that i really want?


its simple things like 'this' that allows one to take a step back and stare hard and clear at the whole picture.

suddenly, you feel like you are still trying to find that missing piece of jigsaw to piece up the whole picture. then only to realise that there is more to it. some fit well, but not in the right place. some looks like it can fit, but after attempting, no. occasionally, one or two will look different from the other pieces and you are unsure of where to place it, so you usually hold on to it until you know where to place it.

sometimes, i ask, why did you even pick up the first piece. but ask for what, isnt't it abit too late now? i still have to carry on. simply because i'm not a quitter. my huge ego won't allow me to throw in the towel and run away.

i'm staying on to complete my jigsaw picture.

a injured girl is a moody girl. a girl who can't run is an angry girl. an angry girl, bites.

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