Saturday, January 28, 2006

i am blogging from the airport. like how eff-ing cool is that. YUCKS.

and did i mention that i only get to spend a day in bangkok to do all the shopping. oh wait, not even a full day. we will only reach there in the late afternoon, so that leaves me with like only less than 10hrs of shopping? *groans* i know i'm sounding like some bimbotic idiot but arghs, i need to whine. right. so much for looking forward to a holiday with my family. my foot.

and yucks, i'm only left with 7 mins to blog because this internet usage shit only allows each idiot to use for 15mins. hurhur.

my sister is blogging beside me because i made her do it. i know i'm evil. and i even kind of brain washed her that this trip is so not gonna be any fun. not even a tinge of fun. i mean like seriously, how long have we not had a family holiday with just the 4 of us. the only one i can remember clearly was the hawaii trip which was like 758436235125475ago when i was in prmary one. wow.

and how often do we get a real holiday whereby everyone is free. during the school holidays, we got training, classes, tuition, practices, and my dad has to work. and like right now, as in NOW, during this particular CNY we have like a full 4 days of pure holiday. and what? we still don't get to go on a holiday with just the 4 of us? it really irks me big time. i know i'm sounding spoilt, pampered, whatever. i just want to get my point across. ARGHS.

ok enough. time to board the plane.

happy cny. *smiles*

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